It’s the End of the World as We Know It (Or Is It?)

M&S WEBINAR | Monday, January 27th, 2:00 PM EST

It’s the End of the World as We Know It (Or Is It?)

Monday, January 27th is D-Day for lead generators and the businesses that use them. In less than one week, the FCC’s controversial One-to-One Consent rule is set to take effect. But with the IMC’s appeal still pending before the 11th Circuit Court, the legal landscape remains anything but certain. Will the court issue a stay on the rule, or will businesses need to prepare themselves for immediate enforcement?

What better day to join M&S Partners Michele Shuster and Chris Wager than the 27th itself for an informative discussion reflecting the up-to-the-minute status of One-to-One Consent. However the Court rules – if it rules – learn the steps businesses need to take in response, what potential future challenges may lie ahead, and what to expect from agency enforcement.

Hope to see you there!

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Michele Shuster

A founding partner of the firm, Michele is a former consumer protection regulator with more than two decades of experience working with consumer-facing businesses in highly-regulated industries.

Chris Wager

A Partner at M&S, Chris advises clients on telemarketing and privacy matters, helping them develop proactive compliance programs and successfully defending them in government enforcement actions, litigation, and class action lawsuits.

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