Posts By :

Walter (Chad) Blackham

MedMen Faces Mad Fines in Florida Mini-TCPA Lawsuit
MedMen Faces Mini-TCPA Lawsuit

MedMen Faces Mad Fines in Florida Mini-TCPA Lawsuit

The lawsuit presents an interesting case study in the interstate application of Florida’s mini-TCPA law and is the latest in a string of cannabis companies…

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2560 1707 Walter (Chad) Blackham
President Pardons Federal Cannabis Offenders, Lays Path to Legalization
President Pardons Federal Cannabis Offenders, Lays Path to Legalization

President Pardons Federal Cannabis Offenders, Lays Path to Legalization

President Biden’s pardon of individuals with federal convictions for simple possession of cannabis has significant ramifications for the future…

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1200 798 Walter (Chad) Blackham
Circuit Court Applies U.S. Constitution To Cannabis
In a possible setting the stage for national legalization of cannabis, circuit court applies U.S. Constitution to cannabis.

Circuit Court Applies U.S. Constitution To Cannabis

In Northeast Patients Group, et al. v. United Cannabis Patients and Caregivers of Maine, a split panel for the United States Court of Appeals…

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1200 800 Walter (Chad) Blackham
Rhode Island Legalizes Adult-Use Cannabis
Rhode Island Legalizes Adult-Use Cannabis

Rhode Island Legalizes Adult-Use Cannabis

On Wednesday, May 25, 2022, Rhode Island became the nineteenth state to legalize adult-use cannabis. Democrat Governor Daniel J. McKee signed into law S.B. 2430 and companion act H.B. 7593, or the Rhode Island Cannabis Act, after both bills were approved by…

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1200 798 Walter (Chad) Blackham
New Jersey Approves First Adult-Use Cannabis Sales
New Jersey Approves First Adult-Use Cannabis Sales

New Jersey Approves First Adult-Use Cannabis Sales

On April 11, 2022, New Jersey’s Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC) voted to approve the state’s first adult-use cannabis sales to the general public. In doing so, the CRC granted regulatory approval to seven companies currently operating thirteen medical marijuana dispensaries to commence…

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1200 798 Walter (Chad) Blackham
Ohio Senate Bill Aims to Expand Medical Marijuana Control Program

Ohio Senate Bill Aims to Expand Medical Marijuana Control Program

In December the Ohio Senate passed Senate Bill 261, potentially broadening Ohio’s Medical Marijuana Control Program for the first time since implementation in 2018. SB 261 would create the new Division of Marijuana Control (DMC), a division of the Department of Commerce,…

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1200 798 Walter (Chad) Blackham
Ohio Inches Towards Adult-Use Legalization, Two Main Paths Considered

Ohio Inches Towards Adult-Use Legalization, Two Main Paths Considered

Recent bills and ballot initiatives suggest that adult-use cannabis may be coming to Ohio in the near future.  However, with the State currently considering two separate paths towards legalization, the key question now seems just as much how as when. The first…

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1200 798 Walter (Chad) Blackham
Ohio Lawmakers Set to Introduce Bill to Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis

Ohio Lawmakers Set to Introduce Bill to Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis

Ohio lawmakers are set to consider a bill that would legalize adult, or recreational, cannabis use in the Buckeye state. State Representative Casey Weinstein (D) and co-sponsor Rep. Terrence Upchurch (D) announced their intention to introduce the bill late last week. The…

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1200 798 Walter (Chad) Blackham
Big Apple Legalizes Recreational Cannabis
Big Apple Legalizes Recreational Cannabis

Big Apple Legalizes Recreational Cannabis

On March 30, 2021, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed Senate Bill 854-A, the “Marihuana Regulation and Taxation Act,” making New York the 15th state to legalize recreational cannabis use. Under the Act, New Yorkers will be allowed to possess three ounces of cannabis…

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1200 798 Walter (Chad) Blackham
Gazing into the Crystal Ball: Projecting Federal Cannabis Policy in 2021
Gazing into the Crystal Ball: Projecting Federal Cannabis Policy in 2021

Gazing into the Crystal Ball: Projecting Federal Cannabis Policy in 2021

While cannabis legalization is now a bipartisan issue and enjoys a majority of support in both parties, the issue has historically been framed as a Democrat policy. And now, with a Democratic President, House, and Senate, many observers are asking, “what’s next…

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1197 798 Walter (Chad) Blackham
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