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Michele Shuster

U.S. Senate Passes the Pallone-Thune TRACED Act

U.S. Senate Passes the Pallone-Thune TRACED Act

The U.S. Senate has unanimously passed the Pallone-Thune TRACED Act (“Act”), named after Senators Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), and Sen. John Thune (R-SD). The bill is a result of a yearlong effort by legislators to clamp down on unwanted robocalls. Upon final…

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1200 798 Michele Shuster
FCC Seeks Comments on Expanding Opt-Out Text Messages

FCC Seeks Comments on Expanding Opt-Out Text Messages

The Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) is seeking comments on whether companies are permitted to send follow-up text messages clarifying the terms of an opt-out request. The FCC's notice comes in light of Capital One Services' Petition for a Declaratory Ruling filed earlier…

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1200 798 Michele Shuster
Compromise Robocall Bill Release Imminent
Compromise Robocall Bill Release Imminent

Compromise Robocall Bill Release Imminent

House and Senate leaders announced late last week that a compromise robocall bill, called the Pallone-Thune TRACED Act, will be released very soon.  For some time now, Congress has been working toward an anti-robocall bill. Last May, the House passed its version…

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1197 798 Michele Shuster

Bad Traffic Still in the FTC’s Headlights: Lead Generation Under Scrutiny

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), under the leadership of Director Andrew Smith, continues to focus its consumer protection enforcement efforts on the lead generation industry. As we

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150 150 Michele Shuster

North Carolina District Court: Clear Statutory Meaning of ATDS is “Snow” Joke

"Plaintiff's TCPA claim fails as a matter of law because plaintiff does not allege that the text messages she received were sent using equipment which has the capacity to store or produce numbers to be called using a random or sequential number…

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150 150 Michele Shuster

FCC Votes to Allow Carriers to Block Robocalls by Default

The Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) voted yesterday to allow telecom carriers to “block by default” illegal or unwanted calls to their subscribers. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai released the proposed

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150 150 Michele Shuster

M&S and PACE Respond to FCC Declaratory Ruling on Robocalls

Serving as General Counsel to the Professional Association for Customer Engagement ("PACE"), M&S filed a letter this week with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") regarding its recently released

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150 150 Michele Shuster

Senate Passes Robocall Bill

The U.S. Senate passed

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150 150 Michele Shuster

Bad Traffic: Lead Generation Under Scrutiny

Lead generation is a marketing activity that involves identifying and generating consumer interest in a product or service. Online lead generation has become commonplace, allowing a consumer to research products and services and connect with companies to fulfill their specific need. Done…

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150 150 Michele Shuster
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