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Josh Stevens

California AG’s Additional Regulations to CCPA Take Effect
California AG's Additional Regulations to CCPA Take Effect

California AG’s Additional Regulations to CCPA Take Effect

On March 15, 2021, the California Attorney General’s Office ("CAG”) announced approval by the Office of Administrative Law of the fourth set of modifications to the California Consumer Privacy Act regulations. The minor modifications accepted in the fourth proposal clarify the CCPA,…

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1197 798 Josh Stevens
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Rescinds 2020 Abusive Acts Policy Statement
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Rescinds 2020 Abusive Acts Policy Statement

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Rescinds 2020 Abusive Acts Policy Statement

On March 11, 2021, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau rescinded its “Statement of Policy Regarding Prohibition on Abusive Acts or Practices” announced in January 2020. The Statement attempted to clarify uncertainty surrounding the Bureau’s exercise of its abusiveness jurisdiction. However, new Bureau…

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2560 1707 Josh Stevens
New York’s Expansive Auto Renewal Law Takes Effect in 2021
New York’s Expansive Auto Renewal Law Takes Effect in 2021

New York’s Expansive Auto Renewal Law Takes Effect in 2021

In November, New York State enacted an extensive auto renewal law (ARL). Taking effect on February 9, 2021, New York’s ARL covers contracts that include an automatic renewal for a subsequent period at the end of the term. Businesses offering automatically renewing…

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2560 1707 Josh Stevens
BREAKING: CFPB Releases Long Awaited Debt Collection Rules
BREAKING: CFPB Releases Long Awaited Debt Collection Rules

BREAKING: CFPB Releases Long Awaited Debt Collection Rules

Following its multi-year rulemaking process, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today released its long-awaited rules regarding debt collection acts and practices under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Coming in at over 600 pages, the

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1200 798 Josh Stevens
Lead Generation & Privacy: A Necessary Partnership

Lead Generation & Privacy: A Necessary Partnership

Participants in the lead generation industry know that compliance with the myriad legal frameworks that apply to their operations is not only necessary but also increasingly complex. One area where lead generators in the U.S. have traditionally operated relatively unencumbered—until recently—is with…

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2560 1707 Josh Stevens
Round-up of Recent Privacy Developments

Round-up of Recent Privacy Developments

By: Nick Whisler and Josh Stevens The past several weeks have brought a flurry of U.S. and international privacy developments. To help you stay on top of the everchanging landscape, here is a high-level summary of recent news and upcoming events. Federal Developments…

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1200 798 Josh Stevens
Who Is Nathan Simington? Trump Nominates New FCC Commissioner
Who Is Nathan Simington? Trump Nominates New FCC Commissioner

Who Is Nathan Simington? Trump Nominates New FCC Commissioner

On September 16th, President Trump nominated Nathan Simington to fill a vacancy on the Federal Communications Commission after withdrawing Michael O’Rielly’s nomination to serve another term on the Commission. Simington is currently an adviser for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA),…

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1200 798 Josh Stevens
CCPA Business Contact and Employee Exemption Extended
CCPA Business Contact and Employee Exemption Extended

CCPA Business Contact and Employee Exemption Extended

The California legislature has extended partial exemptions under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) for the collection and processing of personal information related to business contacts and employees/independent contractors until January 1, 2022. Originally slated to expire on January 1, 2021, these…

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1200 798 Josh Stevens
FCC Selects Industry Traceback Group to Lead Illegal Robocall Source Identification Efforts
FCC Selects Industry Traceback Group to Lead Illegal Robocall Source Identification Efforts

FCC Selects Industry Traceback Group to Lead Illegal Robocall Source Identification Efforts

On July 27, 2020, the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau designated USTelecom’s Industry Traceback Group (ITG) as the official consortium to coordinate efforts to trace back the source of illegal robocalls. ITG is a collection of voice service providers that focuses on tracing the…

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1200 798 Josh Stevens
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